The end of March saw a four band extravaganza at Nicals in Bodmin in aid of charity.
Cambourne`s own Lucky Polarbears, treked up the A30 to start the proceedings off infront of an excited and lively crowd. The labelling of bands as `alt rock` is a misnomer that seems to be used to try and give a little youth cred to rock bands that have some angst in them, but The LPs played a confident, fast set of original rock material that was over too soon for most of us and left with their posse before the next band had started. This seemed to be the reaction by each band and their following hordes, but as they filed out they missed the opportunity to both support a good cause and witness fellow bands perform some great music.
Bands like The Frenzy, from the sleepy little village of St.Tudy(!), were not as frenzied as the name suggests, but this young three piece produced some of the night`s best songs in an original style that recalled the innocence of Ash and early Blur. Rich Partington`s voice had a Pete Shelley-esque tone to it that blended brilliantly with his brother Ben`s drumming and bass player Fiona`s wounded rhythms. This band is really new, but shows a great deal of promise.
Next to take the room was Plymouth band Koda. Now this was on a different level entirely from the rest of the evening`s entertainment. Easily the most professional, oldest and loudest band that played, Koda performed like stars rocking an Aussie built football stadium. They were punk in the way that Suicidal Tendencies and Black Flag were; raw, fast and stunning. By far and away the best performance of the night, Koda`s lead singer Owain turned the Nicals audience into a grinning, happy mass before departing back across the bridge.
Finally Mechanical Swagger had the unlucky task of following this performance, but did an excellent job by mixing mad drumming rhythms, screaming vocals and a distorted guitar to create a wild vortex of sound. However, the band`s ultimate saving grace is it`s relaxed sense of humour; they are a bunch of nutters led by a fraggle called Jonny C, who are so entertaining they should have their own TV programme. Seeing this crazed Truro band collapse into fits of giggles was real `alt rock`, and ended the night on an excellent note.
To some it may look like a sweaty backroom in an old pub, but to others it was our very own Cornish Cavern. The heady atmosphere of loud rock comfined in a compact venue full of the next generation of musicians and their fans, created sparks of raw electricity and enthusiasm. This is the place where fresh young bands cut their teeth and where the lucky few get to witness the enormous talent that is rising through the ranks of local bands. Nicals put this showcase on to raise money for the Air Ambulance, Cancer Research and the homeless, but even without the good causes involved, if you weren`t there, you couldn`t have spent a better evening in Cornwall.
(all photos by TeeJ)
Hey, thanks for the review on the gig.
Most of our posse couldn't stay as much as we wanted to due to illness.
I hope that you'll come to a show in the near future and review us again(check www.myspace.com/theluckypolarbears for up and coming gig dates)
Well written appreciation; you'll go far Alex. M.
RE: Cornish Live Gig Review
Body: yeah we saw the pic and the review. we loved it. thanks for saying nice things!!
love from
mech swag
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