The Princess Pavilions, Falmouth, Cornwall
View: At the edge of the moshpit.
Celebrating the twenty first anniversary of possibly their most successful album, The Wonderstuff roared into town and played a blinder from start to finish. Loud speakers vortexed a Stars on 45 history lesson which blasted the audience back to the heady days of `Hup` fever, when fiddles mixed with raw guitars and long hair on men was normal.
Of course we`ve all got older and less hursute since then, but the spirit remains strong as illustrated with the mosh pit in full, pounding flow and the loudest audience I`ve ever heard at this venue.
Miles Hunt and Malcolm Treece, the two surviving original Stuffies on stage, took the ecstatic audience through the original album peppered with hit singles such as `Don`t Let Me Down Gently` and `Golden Green` for the first hour and then doubled that with an hour of other band favorites, including the classic `Unbearable` with its catchline, `I didn`t like you very much when I first met you, and now I know you, I like you even less.`
Miles and Co. couldn`t help grinning like cats from a northern county as their voices were drowned out by the crowd`s own singing on `Size of a Cow`.
The Wonderstuff were then, and still are now, designed to make you happy. Job done tonight.
Best gig of the year so far.
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