Tuesday, August 08, 2006



Another fine example of the 3 piece heavy rock set-up took to the main stage and showed the crowd how to kick up a storm, as 3 Minute Warning turned the volume up to eleven and ACDC-ed and Black Sabbath-ed the afternoon into submission. Starting with Angus Young`s fancy fret work and then sliding into `Black Betty` was a perfect hand to lead with as the band went hell for leather to rock the bollocks outta the day. Although not wishing to stereotype, I imagine the local biker gang on site were in their element as the riffs echoed across the park to the river Fal. I know I was well impressed with the lead guitarist`s skill and the mighty rhythm section that pounded out some great racing beats., (was there a double bass drum rolling rhythm a la Motorhead at one point, or was it just my heart beating fast?). It sounded like a well practiced rock band on top form this afternoon, choosing all the crowd pleasing covers you could want.

3 Minute Warning - You Raaawwwked!!

(Photos by Lord Itchfield)


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