Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Name - William Gregg

Booking/contact details - Mobile Phone : 07834531631 E-Mail :

Names of members of the band and instruments played - William Gregg - Guitar/Piano/Violin/Bass/Vocals
Bertie - My Cubase Drum Machine

What has been the highlight of the 2006 for you? Andrew Bate at Golowan was pretty awesome I must say!

What does xmas mean to you? Nothing I prefer proper english,...nah it's all about having a good time best time to go on holiday cause everyone else prefers to stay at home

What was you best ever xmas present/memory? Hmm thats actually really hard, possibly when I was 7 when it actually snowed near christmas day I thought that was well cool at the time...can tell I'm cornish

Who is your musical inspiration? Smashing Pumpkins, I listen to them alot and I do take a lot of my ideas from listening to them, I guess I get alot of inspiration from local bands as well as it's good to see it is actually possible to be good and live in cornwall!

Where do you see yourself in ten years? Ha, well I would like to see myself having achieved something maybe a studio engineer or a composer, I can't see myself performing live on my own for too much thats not a hint that I'm forming a band...

What are your plans for 2007? Finish recording my epic 2 disc album and movie hopefully, also to try and get a lot more experience in recording and studio work in general.....oh I also want to see some more local live gigs 'cause so far all the ones I have been to are great!

Best venue in Cornwall? I guess I should say Acorn 'cause I work there, but I do like the swan as well as they seem to just keep churning out week after week of good music, I've heard good things of 'The Stannery' but never actually seen a gig there.

Recommend a book to the world - Bonfire of the Vanities - Tom Wolfe, pretty complicated with lots about American politics but a very good none the less!

Recommend an album - N'Taka by Terrafolk, for anyone who doesn't know they are a band from Slovakia and they are really amazing!

Half full or half empty? Ooo this one always gets reason is because I can never remember which one means which....I reckon my glass is half full at the moment though

A message to your fans - Ummm okay, is this a perfect opportunity to slip in that my myspace is and my studio myspace is
I would also just like to say that I know don't tend to do many live gigs but I'm trying to sort that out at the yer cheers and bye!

If you were a biscuit, what type would you be and why?Oh what a cool question, I would have to be a Plain Hob Nob, because I'm a bit plain but once you know me I'm really nice, Okay and a bit sad so make that a Soggy Plain Hob Nob!

Keep It Cornish



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