Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Name of Band - Holosun

Where does the name come from? Originally we were going to call the band Hollow Sun, after the feeling you get when you look at a sun in the morning and it's a poignant reminder of the night before, something's missing, something's empty... And it became Holosun as one word as a reference to the Holographic universe.

Booking/contact details -, www.myspace/holosun, 07891097876 (Mark/ Laura)

Names of members of the band and instruments played - Well, there's 2 Martins. Martin Goodman on drums, and Martin Bass on erm... bass!! Then we have Jon the vocalist and myself Mark (better known to the band as Bob) on guitar.

What has been the highlight of the 2006 for you? Recording our EP Alpha at Troubadour Studios, Falmouth.

What does xmas mean to you? Christmas to me is seeing all the family, and getting together with old mates for good times.

What was you best ever xmas present/memory? I have this memory of being like 6 or 7 and I was just on that cusp of not believing in Santa Claus. And I woke up on Christmas morning to discover crumbs on the plate where I'd left my mince pies, and the whisky had been drunk, so my faith was restored... It's only now that I'm older I realised it was Dad's favourite brand of whisky, but the crumbs were a nice touch!

Who is your musical inspiration? Guitar wise I would say I like a lot of Graham Coxon's own stuff, and Lee Ranaldo from Sonic Youth... Musically in general, I dunno..? Aphex? As a band we have inspiration from all angles, as each band member has their own influences, but puts his own stamp on our sound. Martin Drums is into Proggy stuff, like early Genesis and Floyd, Martin Bass is a huge fan of The Mars Volta, and Radiohead, but his basslines are busy dancy sounds. Jon is from a Hip-Hop background, so his writing can have that element in it, with a melodic voice comparable to Brian Molko.

Where do you see yourself in ten years? That's an impossible question!!! But where I'd like to be is playing outside the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul!

What are your plans for 2007?
Lots more local gigs, and then some summer festivals.... Playing more nationally by Christmas next year!

Best venue in Cornwall? Gotta be The Minack Theatre!!

Recommend a book to the world - The Illuminatus Trilogy by Anton Wilson because it's like a collection of random hallucinogenic stories including a Golden Submarine, The Great God Pan, and a mock James Bond 00Negative. It culminates in a nice life lesson that reads as a religious text, simultaneously mocking them.

Recommend an album - Dark Side of the moon by Pink Floyd. A group of us recently tested the Wizard of Oz conspiracy theory (that Floyd wrote the album as an alternative soundtrack to the film) and it was class. Some points synced so well, it was ace, but obviously the album is a lot shorter than the film! It lead us on to thinking about other good synchronisations there may be!

Half full or half empty?
Full! Full! Full baby! Always!

A message to your fans - Come and see us live! And Have a Wicked Christmas.

If you were a biscuit, what type would you be and why? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Probably a chocolate HobNob because its sweet, but has substance!

(Photo by Richard Viner)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

8:46 AM  

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