A review by Adam Puckey (of The Gay Horses)
We had a gig in the Cuckoo bar in Truro last night. To set the tone, allow me quote one Mr Grigg:
'Utter Shite... Only go and see The Gay Horses if you are drunk and stupid' (He might have said 'or' stupid. I'm not sure. I didn't dwell on it.)
We were put on the bill the night before, and treated the whole thing with a mixture of apathy and incomprehension. I personally wanted to be there for the launch of 'FRESH MUSIC' magazine, put on a bit of a performance, make the crowd laugh and loosen up (and cringe slightly), then watch the other bands.
As always, we got mixed reactions. Walking through the crowd afterwards I was bombarded with a few people saying 'WOW you are fucking AMAZING!' and suchlike to others casually rolling their eyes at me and smirking. Apologies were made to various bar staff and the sound people (One of the Evosound boys came onstage afterwards and had a MASSIVE go at me for running over our set by fifteen minutes, explaining that it was a 'small' scene and if I wanted to get ahead i'd have to show a bit more respect for the other bands...)
Get ahead? Get ahead where?
Basically, we smashed out some ace Punk Rock, smashed up a painting, I wrestled a ginger metalhead to the floor (and our guitarist Alex), screamed and jumped and sweated my demonic beasting heart out and fulfilled our 'Three goals':
1. Get turned off. Check.
2. Get TOLD off. Check.
3. Have fun. Check chickety check one two.
Other bands were ace. The Red Army were a three piece with a female pianist/vocalist/trumpetist, a guitar boy who sang with a touch of a spirit of the horse about him and - and I love this - a boy on an acoustic bass who just sat down on the floor at the back and didn't give a fuck. That is musicianship in my eyes. What they lacked in showmanship and rock heaven they made up for with talent, decent songs and a ot of promise. I will keep an eye on them to see how they progress... (Although as a designated egotistical megalomaniac I am not sure if I approve of the Stalinist overtones..)
Ah God I fucking love them. They are ten, fifteen, a hundred times better than Rosie and The Goldbug. Our current bass player also plays bass for them so I do feel a certain paternal connection to them, but they are a standalone, superstar, rocking super dooper funk rock groove machine and they absolutely soared last night. Their drummer Krystian (who I spent more time whirling around the dancefloor with than I did my girlfriend) has the full hair in front of the face thing going on. Dunc, who can be an arrogant an offensive human being at the best of times, is the consumate frontman, big, loud, adorned with religious symbols, and looks like he may be related to a bear and/or gryphon. Paul plays effortless lead solos (the word solos is a palendrome) that fly into your ears like concorde and Lee's basslines crack and boom with the drums in perfect, heart crunching synchronicity. It is bands like Bhodazaffa that make me happy about my (slightly twisted) part of the world of Cornish Music.
Me friend Liz and I danced like funkmonsters throughout the entire set (I may have rushed the stage at one point, but Ol' Dunc didn't seem to mind).
Last to play were dear old Rosie and The Goldbug. Now I have a peculiar thing about this band. Aside from being a horse, I am also a poet and a songwriter. I have written a few more serious songs for my own self and my girlfriend's pleasure, a couple of songs for the Sue Parker Quartet, (though I have yet to hear them sung girls), lyrics for St. Austell based band 'Pro-Seed' and lots of poems, stories and bits and pieces of marketing material and journalism. I like to write. I LOVE to write, and I very much enjoy the inteaction with and connection to people that writing something can bring. A few months ago, in an optimistic and happy way, after watching Rosie and The GoldBug play in Bar 200 in Truro I offered to write them a song. Whoever runs their myspace (I assume it is Rosie), misunderstood, got offended and BLOCKED The Gay Horses myspace profile...
It was most saddening. It was all more or less sorted out, but I now always feel terribly embarrassed whenever I talk to Sarah (drums). Let that little story be a testament to their ABSOLUTE skill. After one song I had totally forgotten everything and got lost in what was a powerful, romantic, peaceful, beautiful set of songs. For those of you who don't know RGB, they are a three piece with Drums, Bass and a Pianist/Vocalist (Rosie) who trained as an opera singer before turning her hand to rock and roll. The sound system wasn't really in their favour I don't thing, more geared to the heavy bass and drum set ups of the previous bands, but despite this, that lady's voice sang through to all of our hearts. I was on the dancefloor with my girlfriend and her best friend, a young lady called Ron, who actually actually fell in Love.
They played, we rocked, there wasn't a single bad section of the whole show, loads of interaction and talking to the audience, tons of men thinking up clever schemes regarding the 'woo-ing' dear Rosie, and very tired, very sweaty, very happy crowd.
Highlights of my night:
- Luke Kellett photgraphing the whole thing, and the prospect of some REALLY memorable photos.
- Being told by Jimmy from Glass Shark he thought I was a cross between Dave Grohl as the devil in the Tenacious D 'Tribute' Video and Iggy Pop.
-Wrestling Ginger Rocker to the floor.
- Being told off for.
- Getting turned off.
- Gemma's reaction after our set.
- 'Oriental City' and 'Culture Shock' by Bhodazaffa.
- Running along the back of the bar.
- Goffy screaming 'MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!' at me whilst still POUNDING his guitar.
- The Demon taking hold and smashing up some stuff.
- Being offered another gig.....
FRESH MUSIC magazine will be available Friday May 18th from all good newsagents. The unsigned scene has a lot to offer; from 'Utter Shite' like my band, to the grace and beauty of Rosie and The Goldbug, to the green potential of the Red Army, to the sheer unadulterated power of bands like Bhodazaffa.
It is a shame that Glass Shark were off the bill, but Tam, their lead singer was very ill, and very sorry. Regardless of their non appearance, you should also go and see them at your next opportunity.
A little thought about the cornish music scene. Cornwall, for the last 80 or so years, and even long before that, has served as an inspiration for artists of different media, such as poets, authors, painters, playrights, sculptors, designers, architects, travellers, the whole caboodle. It is my firm belief that, with the advent of ease of accessibility to it through the internet, music has gained the potential to be no different. We have a very diverse musical culture already (as the fresh launch gig testifies to) and it is just in it's infancy. With support, understanding and appreciation of the differing motives of performers and entertainers, we are all making Cornwall a very important place in the world...
And if you don't believe that, read the history of Rome...